
Ad Type

We have a lot of “Ad Placements”. You can advertise your products in “Header Banner, Under Live Stream Banner, Between Matches Banner, Ads In Live stream”. Our service is a monthly plan on all packages but does not include “Ads in Live Stream” and “Break Time Ads”. “Ads in Live Stream” package works with the “Per Day System”. “Break Time Ads” package works with the “Per Match”.

The header banner will show at the top of the website. These banners will show on all web pages, like “home page, single page, about us page, etc”.

This banner's place is only in “Channel Pages”, which is “Live Streaming” for all football matches. The banner will show under the “Live Stream”.

This banner will show between the schedule of matches in “Home” page. These banners will be based on number of matches. 1Ads per 5 matches. There will be 5 matches between each advertisement.

These ads are the best of our service because you can advertise to all viewers. We are sharing our “Live Streaming Data Sources” with other website owners and application owners. They are using our live data sources to show to their viewers. MM Football Live is also our partner. We are sharing our live stream data sources to them. If you advertise with these ads, your ads will be viewed from 30K per match to 170K per day. If you want to advertise in a single match (Man U Vs Chelsea), you can do it. 

These ads will show 15 minutes after the 1st time playing (in break time). We will show your advertisement again and again in this break time.

Price Of Ads

We base it on the US Dollar. But you can pay with MMK or Crypto.

If you are interested in advertising, please contact us by click you want contact from WhatsApp, Telegram or Email.